Monday, 12 May 2014

Gah to Glory: A Journey of India since 1932

While many are debating whether India has a democratic system to reciprocate to the call of any average Indian, a man is silently, true to his nature, packing to move into 3 Motilal Nehru Marg. 

This soft spoken Silent Giant is an answer to such a blabbering cacophony, which thinks India must repent by choosing a Self-professed Chaiwala to the August office of the Prime Minister of India. 

PM Dr. Singh is a picture perfect description of an India just before partition and an India which is a vibrant economic power amidist a crippled world economy. 

Gah to Glory is a tribute to this man on his last few days in his office!

I have not checked the latest photos of Gah, the village in Pakistan, but it would certainly not be that better than what it was when Dr. Singh born in September 26, 1932. Imagine if Jihna was tolerant enough like our leaders during partition; Pakistan would have been transformed. They lost such silent souls, and today their country has too many voices but none human; all are gun shots or bombs going BOOM. 

That is the danger of not recognizing the sanity of silence. India beware, your one of the silent crusaders against UNDERDEVELOPMENT has been damned as a devil. And the tragedy is those who derided him most by splashing disinformation using cheap CARTOONS are young. Are these going to be the demographic dividend that the country is wiling to place bait on? 

Born in extreme poverty and far away from any means of level playing field in Gah, pakistan, he exactly did what makes a "rag to rich story" an inspiring one. He never yelled to stand First through out his career; why should one yell if there is substance. :) 

Alas! that is what is called COMMUNICATION in this era. 

He failed there, because he thought TRUTH sells like noting, and as like the institutions he served throughout, the media and the public at large would realize the essence of the silence.  

When well educated Indians were leaving this country in hordes, Dr. Singh came back to India after exhausting what the WORLD had to offer in terms of EDUCATION. That shows his commitment for the country. If you want to sample it, read what he said when he returned to sense after his heart surgesry some years back. 

'Dr Singh is a really good man, he thinks of the country all the time'

This man rose many ladders working in the Govt. of India and was finally burst into public domain as the Finance Minister of India with those great word of Victor Hugo
No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come
Those words were truly reflecting the man who quoted them. So, the words became reality in no time. India was reborn on 1991 as Manmohan led reform process was kicked in under the aegis of then Prime Minister Sri PVN Rao. 

All the govt. since 1996, followed his prescription for economy till today as India becomes the third largest economy in PPP in terms or purchasing power parity and 10th largest in nominal GDP term. 

The only perceptible change that has come about is the Manmohanomics has shifted from tickle-down model to an Inclusive-Model. It has its impact to be seen. Till 2004 the reforms started in 1991 could only lift people above poverty at the rate of .8% annually. Since 2004, the rate has increased to nearly three fold at 2.2%. 

This is not a small feat to alleviate 144 million people out of poverty in a span of 8 years. He did it when Indian economy became four times that it was in 2004. That means, he full-filled his commitment of inclusive growth; 7.6% average GDP growth and poverty alleviation. 

Is there any better model than that? 

Some,  right-wing economists think the investment in the people are waste as it is like feeding them fish instead of teaching them how to fish. And for this, they think Manmohanomics has a profound intervention in the form of another power center i.e. Sonia. 

That means, they are saying if there was no Sonia, there would not have been social sector spending like MNREGA, Rural Helath Mission, PMGSY, RTE and the recent one FSB. If you look into their eyes and ask what about the subsidy  that few industry enjoys in the form of soft-loan, tax holiday, land at toffee rate and then pardoning bad loans; they would do a HYDRA.   

They would wear the GARB of sanity and starts preaching about how Govt. delayed the removal of fuel subsidy and how GST could have been an ACE in a reform starving India. That is the intellect they posses to talk about the silence of Dr. Singh. 

One, media manager wrote a book too thinking as if he is the Principal Secretary. :)

With so much freedom and democracy, no country can grow as fast as India; I am not including:

  • Hyper active Judiciary without any technical experty to comprehend issues
  • Saffronised civil society with an agenda to stall governance
  • Paralyzed parliament at the whim of likes of Ravishankar Prasad
  • Unmanageable regional selfishness reflected in coalition politics
  • Intellectually dishonest/bankrupt media turning studio into a joke
Such was the chaos in domestic front when, emerging economies were asked repeatedly to pitch in to save the world economy for the crony capitalism in the developed economy. 

In the face of such crisis, the world discovered a great economist in Dr. Singh. since, he has been recognized as a leader to whom Barak Obamas, David Cameroons or Angela Morkels of the world listen with respect.  

Alas! Back in India, our SM guys started churning out abhorring cartoon pics; because they found that the New Age Indians are into Page 3. What great churning was India going through; when we were bashing Dr. Singh on Page 3.

For what? 

Our growth has decelerated to 5%. Middle class is selling out more on EMI and poor are eating away their Tax as subsidy. Is this the stirring that will make India? To supplement this, media started writing horrible economic scenarios of doom for India. Page 3 reading Indians were made to believe that India is run at the Bombay Stock Exchange. 

I think last July was the time when right wing economists started writing Obituary to Indian economy. They lost their head and as headless-chickens compared it to be worse than 1991.

But, they forgot if there is one person who knows how to handle it; it can none other than be the architect himself. Dr. Singh. In his silence, he is leaving an economy that is more resilient and with a launch pad to rely on. 

A man for whom to use a word like "INCORRUPTIBLE" is like casting an aspersion, is leaving his office on 15th May 2014. His life meanders the path India took since 1932. 

I salute this man and his contribution to India. I rate him the best PM India has ever seen after Pandit Nehru. 


  1. Whatever you are saying it right. But,general election is not about personal/individual resume making. It is all about Nation and by keeping silence so many years he equally guilt like other UPA netas.

  2. Which silence you are talking about? Could you please point them?
