Monday, 30 June 2014

SAARC Satellite, Sai Baba is Muslim, RSS Appeared & Passed the MP Exam (SCAM)

Gift a Satellite to SAARC

Do you think, he is asking "Kitni deti Hey?" :)
Indian PM on the occasion of an opportunistic appearance at the cradle of FRUGAL ENGINEERING  ORGANIZATION i.e. ISRO tried to PROPEL his so called Statesmanship to another level. He wanted ISRO to build one SATELLITE for SAARC nations as a Gift. That would be a costly gift if he wants to make good on the saree he received from his Pakistan counterpart. Nevertheless, that is a great sound bite from an unexpected source. Now, we have to see, how much fund is going to be allocated for the same in the upcoming union budget. 

He looks to be quite worried man. Don't worry, Mr. finance minister, a satellite can be made at the budget of few thousands; those tiny satellites from college labs. :) 

The Modia Statesman should do one thing before embarking on his IMAGE MAKEOVER DRAMA; he should allow Pakistani media channels in India. Can he do it? 

RSS Appeared & Passed the MP Exam (SCAM) - VYAPAM

While, the MODIA is doing everything to address the complain of Sulking Modi for lack of honeymoon,we are unfortunately being kept away from some very important revelations. The investigations being carried out in MP on the order of Lokayukt fro the last six months, has brought a large number of TOP politicians including the WIFE of MP's CAESAR aka MAMAJI in to a very uncomfortable limelight. 

That same investigation also brought some TOP RSS leaders into picture. When things got little more talked about, the Mp police did a great "U" turn and gave clean chit to the RSS leadership. This is a great performance of RSS guys who APPEARED and SUCCESSFULLY PASSED the MP exam Scam. 

These guys have gave life to see BJP rise to power, and naturally they should enjoy some Govt. comfort and that is only what they were trying to extract. We are just making mountain out of molehill. ;)

Shankara Charya: Do not Worship Sai Baba, the MUSLIM FAKIR!

He is other-wisely quite a sensible man; but this reasoning of shunning Sai Baba because, he is JUST a MUSLIM FAKIR  is quite a stretch. I think that should be the reason why he should be respected and emulated. I am not a religious person to endorse what is happening in Shirdi in HIS name, but not a unreasonable person to toe the line of a RICH religious AUTHORITY too. 

Worship Sai baba or not, but a least try to live a life which is 1% of his life; an example of austerity given his influence on the lives of people in that area. 

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