Saturday, 30 June 2012

Politics is to Physical World what Friction is to Physics

The fate of a stagnant water body and a static civilization is the same, i.e. both prone to pollution and gradual decay. The only thing that can save the both from the very result is the movement. On the one side it is the movement of water in the downstream and in the other the movement of thought within. If one put on the thinking glass, it will be apparent that friction and only friction is the reason behind the movement in both the cases;
  • In the first pace, it is the friction between the two unique surfaces; the ground and the water and between layers of water
  • In the later case, it is the friction between the uniqueness of individual opinions
 As we stand, the friction as the necessary evil has been discussed thread bare in our Physics classes, which  has the practical application virtually everywhere around us; everything we do can not escape friction. 

So, How can Politics Stand Along Friction?

In the context of present day understanding of politics, there is a serious lack of courage among most of us to acknowledge that we are all surviving because of politics. Darwin stopped short of defining what helps in survival of the fittest, I believe this is nothing but politics. Politics is:

"A necessary evil, which allows each thinking individual to negotiate with the other thinking individuals to survive in this intensely competitive world. It is a tug of war." Courtesy - Priyabrata Tripathy

Types of Politics

Politics is of two types:

Selfish Individualism

This is what is widely noticed among the species called Homo Sapiens. It is available among all who lives on this earth and can think to find ways to survive. And to do this human use the power of cognizance to outwit other through the four tools of Chankya's Arthasastra:

  1. Sama -  Conciliation
  2. Dama -  Placating with gifts
  3. Danda -   Use of Force
  4. Veda  -  Sowing dissension

Don't ask me to explain, ask yourself, how each of us has employed these tools for each of our benefit. After that, can any of us say that we are away from politics and hate politics? We use these to reap personal benefit and feel as achievers in life.  

Sacrificing Collectivism

This is the politics which all of us love to experience from our armchair. This is practiced by those who are definitely more capable of thinking differently than us. They are the much derided politicians who at least take this route genuinely while most of us indulge in running commentary on them. 

I genuinely adore this section with all their shortcoming. Because, with their all failures they are the one who runs this society with a majority indifferent ones going ahead with their rat race.

Can Any Body Love to Hate Politics?

This question rankles me when people say that they are apolitical. I call them parasites who play much narrower politics centered around their individual gain. Politics is something everybody lives with and can not live without. The question is, what kind of politics one live within.

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